Custom Event Bags
If you are looking for creative event bags you have come to the right place.
We all know give away bags can be boring or they can be memorable, and Gouda knows how to make sure your bags are not in the parking lot garbage on the way out the door. An example of a memorable bag is one that captures the sentiment of the event in the shape or design in some unique way. When possible, we recommend custom designed bags to communicate a special touch point.
If we have enough time to create a completely custom bag we can create a signature look that will get noticed, remembered an re-used. Not emptied and discarded.
The materials we use for event bags include everything from reusable plastics to paper to natural cotton and nylon. We also carry a range of stock styles and sizes that can be printed and shipped quickly when you need fast solutions. You can see some of our stock styles at this link: Logo Tote Bags
Frequent Questions:
- What are the minimums? This depends on the materials for the bag
- What kinds of materials can I use? PE, PP, Cotton, Poly, Nylon, Paper
- How long does it take to produce? This will depend on the choice of materials for the bag
- Are there Rush options? Yes, we have options that can ship in a week
- Can Gouda help me finalize a design? Yes
- What kind of artwork is best? Adobe Illustrator® is preferred
- Can my bags be full color? Yes
- Can my bags be printed all over? Yes
Call or Email the experts to get started: 212-477-9373